2013 was another busy year ....lots of ups and downs!
Hiking and swimming being the daily activity we all love!
Driizzle has 4 babes to Harry on May 11th Kenna Penny Holmes and Watson!
The Westie Walk in May was followed a couple of weeks later by the first Sanction Match for Club Westie 38 all breed entries! and a Harry son bred by Donel won!! Deldawn's Last Hurrah
In July Very sadly and suddenly We lost our Matriarch Kelsey, Kel's was such a busy girl the hole she left is enormous ...
In September we flew to Calgary where Posh and Kate finished their Can Ch and Posh 9 weeks later had 4 Babes to The Dashiing Devil's Star Chaser! such a handsome chap ...meetinquite a weekend!
October saw me fly to the UK for My Mothers memorial service and we came back via Toronto visiting with Gordon and Carol Hufnagel of Bythfell Fame ..got to meet the lovely Monty and renew the bond with Sara
November Is the WRC Christmas Party so Ina and took ourselves off to that after showing in Cloverdale.
then home to play with the Poshlets1 Sonny Happy Hope and Luna! (Ray OF)